This is where Traditional Social Skills meet The Periodic Table!
Turns out, life is about CHANGE, life is about CHEMISTRY, life is about stepping out of your comfort zone and doing what you need to do!
That's why I developed Creating Conversational Chemistry. They don't TEACH you this stuff in school! They just expect you to "figure it out," or "be yourself" or "put yourself out there more." Useless advice! If that's all it took to have great conversations with people EVERYONE would be GREAT at it already! And, y'know, most of us just aren't. Most of us wish our conversations were better, our confidence stronger, our connections easier to make and more plentiful.
Creating Conversational Chemistry takes a unique approach to transforming your conversations. It's an amazing journey, especially when you realize you're only a Mindset Shift away from having a whole lot more fun when you talk to people. The course covers:
How to instantly create a comfort level with virtually anyone
How to make a conversation fun & engaging
The true purpose of small talk and how to make it work for you
Why people 'click' (and why they don't).
Foolproof ways to start conversations with total strangers
Methods of creating conversational flow
A perpetual fountain of ideas for topics
And a whole lot more...