Dear Patti,
At this point I feel like I'm just done with dating. I can't believe how regularly I get ghosted by people I've been on a date, or a few dates with. I feel like it's a stupid game, and I'm just done playing it. I'm sick of being a pawn that people can just throw aside whenever they feel like it. Change my mind!
Done With Dating
Dear Done,
I'm going to peek from behind a curtain as I say this, but it sounds to me like the dating process is working as intended. And believe me, you have my sympathy for the failed dates. We've all been there!
There's another way to look at this. When you really think about is, MOST romantic relationships fail. In fact, pretty much they ALL do, except for the ones in which you end up with that cherished long-term partner. One of the purposes of dating is going out with different people until you find one that REALLY makes sense for you.
Yeah, a lot of people bail early in the process, but isn't that sort of HELPFUL? That way they're not wasting your time. Who knows why -- they may be looking for something more superficial while you're looking for something meaningful. Or, any number of reasons. I think them pulling a disappearing act sooner rather than later is a good thing because it points to a basic incompatibility.
As to the ghosting part, I get how hurtful that feels, especially if you've made a connection over several dates and it feels like you're making progress. At the same time, if the other person isn't quite so sure, or isn't feeling it, or just changed their mind, well, those are the facts on the ground.
Sure, you could argue that having a sit-down 'good-bye' conversation might make you feel better, but, would it really? Do you want a laundry list of reasons why they aren't all that into you? And at that point do you accept it? Make notes? Argue back? Tell them that THEY aren't 'all that' either?
It just sounds like a recipe for an uncomfortable conversation that doesn't really do either one of you a lot of good.
I mean sure, if it's a longer-term relationship then obviously you want the person to be straight with you instead of ghosting you. But for shorter-term relationships I think a quick fade-out is the LESS painful way to go.
Hang in there, it gets better!