I know I'm not the most hilarious person on the planet, but one of my friends recently told me I'm the least funny person he's ever met! He said this like he was joking, but I know he really wasn't. I laughed at the time, but it really hurt. I see other people toss off a funny one-liner to lighten the mood, or they're the center of attention at every party. That's never me. Instead I'm the one who tends to be more emotional or sentimental. Or I'm just laughing at jokes made by other people. Even the dumbest jokes will make me laugh! Once in a while I'll manage to say something funny, but it's extremely rare. Anyway this whole situation makes me just feel socially inadequate. Do you have any suggestions?
Can't Even Think of a Funny Name To Sign This Letter
Dear No Can Do,
Groups of people need friends of all types! So if there's a jokester or two in the group, that's great. But someone who is emotional/sentimental? PRICELESS! Every group (and person) needs a friend who can bring that. Someone to laugh at even the silly jokes? Perfect! That keeps the mood rolling and is a great gift to everyone else. Please APPRECIATE what you do bring to a group.
It's the rare person who captivates a crowd with entertainment. None of us needs to aspire to that. Work on just bringing a playful "fun" outlook to whatever is going on. Be ready to laugh, ready to take things not utterly seriously. But don't feel pressured to be the person with the best jokes. It's a tough role, and most of us aren't meant for it. Being a great audience is just as valuable as being a great entertainer.
Have a smile on your face, laughter in your tone, and bring a positive vibe. That sort of person is welcome anywhere.